Mid Week
November 18, 2004
I am in the midst of another very busy work week and I don't have much to report. Yesterday I had a deposition that required an interpreter but my office didn't arrange it and I had to cool my jets at the court reporter's for some time while we hunted one up. It was late by the time I was done and my boss told me I didn't have to come back to the office. Since I was already on the right parkway, I headed up to a yarn store that I've only been to once before.
The store is called "Flying Needles" and it's one of those storefronts that is jammed packed with so much inventory that it takes about an hour just to walk around and visually take it in. I had so many different types and colors of yarn in my hands by the end of the hour that it was comical. I stroked, hugged, touched, held, and lusted after everything from cashmere to a chunky alpaca tweed to a mohair in bright colors but as fine as a spider web to hand spun and hand dyed wool from Uruguay in a rainbow of colors.
I ended up with a hank of teal chenille to add to a scarf; a cotton pale yellow yarn that looks like popcorn; a chartreuse flat yarn that has tiny, tiny sparkly things in it; and a gorgeous dusty pink tweed destined to be a coat scarf for me.
Ah, satiated for another six weeks.
The Princess was down last night from school so I didn't get to do any painting lsat night. We watched a show on the SciFi channel about a group called "TAPS" that are ghost hunters. We watched them walk around in the darkness of a supposedly haunted armory. At one point a sound man was thrown to the ground by a spirit and the rest of the show was watching him cry and try to recover.
Come on now, in this day and age of digital effects, can't they add something better than that! [This commentary is added just to irk The Princess who for some reason is a passionate defender of this show. Hey, there's not much to do in the boonies where she goes to college.]