2_3These are not deer at the zoo - they are fawns that were grazing in a field right across from Dunkin' Donuts where I stop for my after-court coffee. The mother was just a few feet away in the shadows, but I was still surprised to see them in the middle of the day in a little patch of grass amidst strips malls and very busy route 9. It's the third sighting of deer I've had in the middle of the day and it's getting scary when you are driving on the parkway. Hit one of these and you've totalled your car and can be seriously injured. They are very cute to see, but a big problem in the suburbs as more and more building is going on in the rural areas and the poor animals have nowhere to go.

I'm freshening up the blog look for summer. Today is breezy, sunny, and cool and I was inspired to bring fresh colors here. I have a few errands to do that I may just put off to Monday at lunch. My sister and I made tentative plans to go to the pool, but I don't think I'll get there until later in the day. I have a two writing deadlines to get to and two pieces of artwork (neither of which I have a clue about), but instead, I suddenly find myself pulling fabric out of the closet and being inspired to make a Japanese-influenced quilt. I can blame the cover of a book I saw on Small Hands for this sudden obsession and now I am rooting through my indigos and richly colored cottons to create an abstract patchwork that I intend to tie and not quilt - I can't remember what the Japanese term is for the tied quilts.

Is it wrong to hope it gets cloudy and rains so I can stay inside and play with fabric rather than sit at the crowded pool? You know The Little One will make me feel guilty and I'll end up going. Of course, if I could figure out what pattern to use before I go, I could bring some fabric with me and cut it out there.....or just spent the afternoon designing the quilt in my journal and painting in the colors.  That would be a good compromise. I might even wear a swimsuit and actually go in the pool - but let's not get carried away!
