Sunday in the Park with.....Fluffernutter

List Friday


List Friday is brought to you this week by Ana of Views from the Northeast.
Ana wants us to list the foods that freak us out - what are the foods, dishes, ingredients, and/or meals that you could not swallow, or raised the hair on your arms, or got your stomach turning flip flops? Could be those dried out pork chops that your mother  forced to chew until they turned into a lumpen dried out ball of gristle in your mouth, or something more exotic like, say, chocolate covered ants.

Have a go at it, but be forewarned: read all the other lists after lunch.

The latest edition Cloth, Paper, Scissors hit the newstands today. Run out and get a copy because it is gawjus, and if you are a fan of Alice in Wonderland, check out my latest column.
