June 24, 2006
Hello Pomegranatians! You may be wondering where are the photos are lately - they are locked up in the digi, which The Young One has taken over and full frozen up with end-of-middle-school photos. I'm waiting for her to upload them on the other computer because I really don't need two twenty minute videos of the last day of bio and Italian. But she'll get to it as soon as she finishes the whirlwind of graduation parties. I think the last one is today unless there's more she's forgotten to tell me about.
Mr. Pom and I have one more event to host before we can fall into a slothful heap of summer exhaustion. Mystery Man's girlfriend is leaving on Monday and tomorrow he is having a barbecue for her with all his friends. Mr. Pom is making his famous ribs, which involves early morning rituals with charcoal and mesquite, tender rubbing with secret spices, mopping with sauce, and constant tending over a very low fire. By the time we serve them, Mr. Pom is so tired and worried about the quality of the ribs, that he can barely bring himself to eat a morself of the luscious pork as it falls off the bone.
Today he and The Princess are going to Old Timer's Day at Yankee Stadium, an event that causes Mr. Pom to tear up profusely. I'm off to lunch with the sisters and mom for the baby sister's birthday. We will probably go to the cafe up the street from the cute quilt store, so I'm sure they'll be some new fat quarters on me on the way home - and in the fabric bag, too! ; > )
List Friday was a bust this week so I am putting it on hiatus until after Labor Day.