From Sea to Sea
August 28, 2007
Mr. Pom had one week of vacation left, so he dragged me and The Teen to the ocean. The Princess has been here for three delightful days, but she has to leave early tomorrow morning to go to work. MM is back in school as classes started Monday. We miss him!
It's lovely being here, but a bit strange as my get up and go is not yet fully returned and I am fairly limited to getting in the car, falling out onto the sand, and keeping my duff in a chair all day. Y'know - none of the usual water skiing, surfboarding, and fly fishing that I usually do. Heh heh.
Yesterday, The Princess wanted her full share of sun. So we started the day in the Sound, left mid-afternoon to tour the town, buy candy, and go find the seals that hang out at the fishing dock. The Princess insisted on standing on the edge of the dock to take pictures, while her father and I kept squinting at her from the car. Sure enough, as she turned to leave, she lost her balance and did one of those I Love Lucy grabs at a dock piling. Thankfully, she's more graceful than Lucy and managed to right herself. NO problem - I'm having my hair colored when I get back anyway. We ended the day at the ocean, where there was a strong sea breeze and we were fighting over the one dry towel.
TheTeen has no turned into the Skim Board Queen, or as a 12 year old girl told her cousins on the beach, "Come watch this girl, she's wicked good," I told her if she had any common sense, she'd start giving lessons so we could license her and just move from warm weather to warm weather as her managers. Can't the girl even try?
The rental house is cozy and adequate. The owner lives next door. He fixed the grill tray that Mr. Pom somehow put in backwards and couldn't get out. Yes, we told him we didn't know what was wrong with it and could he look at it. We just didn't tell him that he did it. Fancy lawyering or a sin of omission?
Photos, you ask? Ask my sister and ILife 08!
Miss you, Mar!!!