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One Down, Three To Go


I finished one of the 4 art projects I have to complete in the next few weeks. Phew! At the last minute, I put it up in my room, looked at it from across the room, and realized I had screwed up the skirt of the figure and one side was considerably longer than the other. Panic set in. Various options were true. All sucked. Consider suicide. Went out and ate tilapia with the family at a pizzeria. Simple and ingenious solution came to me. Got out scissors and paper. Done.

I'd show you, but then I'd have to kill you.  You'll have to wait until it is published. And it's going IN A BOOK, which I can't really tell you about yet, but will when it all comes together. (NOT MY BOOK, I  was just invited to contribute to it.

Meantime, my studio, which my sister helped organize and clean when I came home from the hospital, is totally trashed. But I have a new toy - an oak easel. I LURVE it.  I don't know what made me wait so long to get it,

Mr. Pom gave me a lovely tabletop easel a few years ago. It's great for travel and smaller pieces, but lately I've been working large and it just doesn't work. Can't tell you the number of times I've been drawing flat on my desk, picked up the drawing and realized how askew it was. Sometimes you have to learn to draw upright. So much easier to get everything proportioned right.

Tomorrow I start the next project, which is an assemblage. It'll be nice to work on something three dimensional after so much painting in the last few months. It's pretty offbeat and I hope the magazine likes it. Gotta push the envelope sometimes and stretch myself.

We are also celebrating The Princess's birthday tomorrow. Look for pictures.

Love ya.
