Tell Nanny to Bring the Children in to Say Goodnight
Greeting the New

Whispering Into the Wind


Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths. -Joseph Campbell

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. - Joseph Campbell


I am not much for resolutions, never having kept up with any over the years, and particularly despising those that involve pre-dawn physical activity and joining the determined, scary mothers with stone hard thighs pounding on treadmills. 

In the quiet of my bedroom on New Year's morning, I will feel the celebration begin and see the year unfolding before me like white foolscap yet to be written on. A new journal is eased off the shelf and the spine gently cracked open as I rummage through my pencil case for a calligraphy pen with which I can flourish "2008: A Year of Dreams".

Before I begin to lay out in crisp black lettering the hopes and dreams for the next twelve months, I must honor the year past. I don't intend to tuck it away like a closed book. I must carry into the new year those fortunes that buoyed me and those sorrows that rained down on me. The year doesn't stop with a clang and a drop of a ball and the revelers who deceive themselves into thinking that they can turn their back on what life had made them and begin anew are missing the sweetest, the hardest, the juiciest parts of life's adventure.

2007 was a watershed year for me, a year in which I took serious action to take back my life.  I didn't discuss it publicly on the blog, but after a life-long struggle with obesity and ten years of co-morbidities of diabetes and hypertension, knee deterioration, and foot problems, I had weight loss surgery.   For the first time in my life, I am   beginning a new year without the burden of wondering how I am going to lose weight  to accompany my every thought and weigh down, literally, my every step. I can't begin to explain to you the impact that this decision has made on my health, on my spirit, on my energy, on my marriage, and on my family and friends. I can only share that I awaken each day with a zest for life that had eluded me since I was a teen. It is more than fitting back into clothes; it is fitting back into society, fitting back into my own life as a wife and mother, fitting back into the dreams I had to remain active and energetic and keep up with my kids, it is fitting back into the picture of my self that I carried in my head and under all the fat for so many, many years.

But I didn't start out to write about this at all!  So many amazing events happened this year that I never thought would happen.   I was stalwart to keep this part of my life private and not blog about it. But it is the elephant - all puns intended - in the room and I must acknowledge it. So before I list what I hope to bring to the world for the coming year, forgive me a moment for listing all that was brought to me last year. I write not to brag or boast but to fill my spirit with the dreams that have come true, knowing that it is no coincidence that so many of these materialized as I was on the verge of and recuperating from this life-affirming surgery.

I do believe that many of these events influenced the others and the courage to take the first steps for some opened the door for the others. Bring all your dreams together  one by one and  see how they begin to aggregate, like a sugar crystals forming on a strong into nuggets of rock candy.


What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else. - Joseph Campbell

All the blessings I received in 2007:

  • was invited to teach at my first out of town art retreat
  • was asked to teach two 8 week art courses at a local college
  • began the bimonthly publication schedule at Cloth, Paper, Scissors which resulted in six essays and six pieces of art being created for the magazine
  • was asked to contribute as a featured artist in LK Ludwig's True Visions: Authentic Journaling book coming out this summer
  • was asked to contributed to a book being brought out by Interweave Press this year
  • was invited to teach at Tinsel Trading
  • began working on a book proposal
  • had a life-changing medical procedure
  • lost 63 pounds!
  • saw my youngest turn 16 and get her learner's permit
  • celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary
  • hit the four year anniversary of the blog

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

Blogher's Lisa Stone   has a wonderful meme for outlining the areas of your life that you want to spend your intentions on.

My grateful intentions for 2008 are to:

Heart - Be more available to my husband to support him as he helps his mom go through the treatment for a serious disease. To be more patient with all the demands on his time, including his very stressful job.  Keep us both younger and happier by goofing off more with him when he wants to.

Family - Spend more time doing things with my children individually and as a family. Take more trips and day trips with them while they still interested in doing so. Learn to grow in my role as a mother to older children and pick up more skills in negotiating the tricky new role of letting go and holding them close. Taking more deep breaths and reacting less to their relationship problems and to nurture their life dreams instead of clobbering them with mine.

Spirit - How am I going to give back in the coming year, financially and personally?   We need to find a new church, whether it is  a Catholic church or other.  We've never regained the church family we left in Memphis and we need - I need - to plug back into a regular spiritual life, which includes sharing our time and talents in ministering to others and being ministered to. The world has too many choices without a framework of spiritually to guide us and fill in the empty, dark spots.

Wallet - What are the items I am forced to worry about this year?

Our wallet items don't vary much from year to year. The children's education is the main goal, with fixing up the house the second.

Health - How am I going to take care of my bod so that I can do all these other things?  As above, the radical changes of 2007 bode well into the new year but I'm still not active enough and don't do any regular exercise due to a bad knee.  Time to get off my duff and find a pool or other exercise machine that I will USE!

Create - What am I going to focus on this year?

  • get the courage to fly around the country by myself and teach at national art events
  • finish the book proposal
  • create the art for the book and write it!
  • take all opportunities to teach locally
  • continue writing for the magazine
  • start an Etsy shop for prints of my paintings
  • go back to keeping a regular art journal
  • go to the Meet Up drawing group in the city
  • find/start a local art group
  • Write and write and write and write
  • Paint and paint and paint and paint

Work - Figure out a way that I can keep my job for the next four years and still manage to do all of the above. I need my full time job for the income and the benefits. I have to learn to compartmentalize my life more and leave work at work and come home refreshed enough to work on art and writing all week long.  The long term goal is to wean my reliance on a full time law career into a consulting or per diem job, which will only happen when I have more income streams from my art and writing. 


I think that's enough of a list of intentions to start the spirit moving in the right direction.  Aggregate your dreams like stepping stones and be ready to embrace the opportunities that will come your way. It is never the right time to make a major change; it is never the wrong time to deepen your love of life.

The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure. - Joseph Campbell


Please leave a comment or a link to share your intentions for the coming year.  The universe is waiting for us to declare our dreams. Let's make 2008 the year that we began living our bliss.
