What I Never Thought When I Was 30 I Would Write When I Was 50**
March 29, 2008
**(Adorable baby courtesy of cousin Michele)
I know I'm too old for Mommy Blogging, but I would like to address the legions of Mommy Bloggers and tell them, like Mother of the Future visiting Jacob Marley, that even though you are in the thick of it, folks, you don't know the half of it. And once you know the other half of it, you won't be able to blog about it.
Right now it's all she won't sleep, he's only eaten chicken nuggets for 12 months, the older kid is back to wetting the bed, the mother in law keeps throwing away the Binkies, the husband doesn't do poopy diapers, I haven't had a shower in two weeks, the moms in the playgroup sneer at me because I let my kids eat white bread, we have no money, and I haven't had sex in six months. (The latter two, those never change.)
The potty training, the nursery schools, the breast pumping in the office bathroom, the food allergies, the Einstein for Babies, the Bugaboo Stroller, the gym in the last trimester (you girls are crazy!), and the toddlers who haven't slept in their own beds once in their lives will soon be a distant dream. Hug those babies, smell their heads so much that their little skulls are covered in lipstick (oops, forgot - no time for makeup!), and remember the little "pop" the baby food jar makes when you open the jars of smelly squash because you will be reminded of it someday when you pop the lid of the Tupperware while you are freezing yet another entire meal you made for your grown child who forget to tell you she was going out.
When you put those little snugglies on them and they squirm and arch their back, recall that deliciousness and you will stop yourself from putting your teen in a headlock because it's snowing outside she/he is going to the city in shirtsleeves because the expensive winter jacket you gave for Christmas? She hasn't seen it s/he moved out of the dorm/left it in her locker but it could be under all the trash in the backseat of his car.
Those of you struggling to reason with primary grade teachers who are too harsh for your child's sensitive learning skills and refuse to give an extension on the plaster of paris volcano science project even though the kid had the the flu and threw up for ten days, will hopefully see the irony when you are struggling to reason calmly without bursting a blood vessel during a phone call with your child when you strongly suggest they go see the advanced chemistry psychobabble major core intensive tutorial professor and ask foran extension on the ten labs the child owes, and no you cannot drop the class because we already paid for the credits!
And the trauma of separation! The daycare tears! The cold as fish kindergarten teachers who won't give your child a special hug when she missed you! The endless birthday parties that you had to stay for or your kid would start screaming and running after the car! The terror of the bus pulling away for sleepaway camp and your kid the only one with his face plastered to the window fogging up with tears! Scrapbook it all so you have something to wave in their faces when the same child tells you he is moving for good to Rome/Paris/California/New Zealand, and oh, can you still keep him on the car insurance.
When you are mediating the playdate from hell, the one where your kid's friend is torturing your kid by refusing to do anything with her, pulling every toy out of the closet, and then announcing he was bored, you will be well equipped years later to negotiate the Who Ate All the Cupcakes Roommate Controversy in the off campus apartment so one of the roommates doesn't move out and your kid (meaning you) is stuck paying for another share of the rent.
It's a slippery slope, this parenting. It goes from getting them into a car seat into getting them into their first car to getting them to take their yucky liquid vitamins to getting yourself to take enough Xanax to let them get behind the wheel.
It goes from getting into the right nursery school,
to getting into the magnet program,
getting into the gifted program,
getting into the summer camp,
getting the right teacher/tutor/music instructor/soccer team/
karate class/softball coach/high school/honors classes/
AP credit/SAT enrichment/COLLEGE/internship/
year abroad/off campus apartment/move in with boy/girl/friends/
summer jobs/real jobs/Europe/car/apartment/cross country moves/weddings/grandbabies/
getting you into assisted living/nursing homes/an urn.
Whew, I'm exhausted.
I remember Saturday mornings about fifteen years ago. The TV is blaring with cartoons, the kitchen floor is covered with Cheerios, the dog is barking, the husband is playing golf, the laundry is mouldering in piles, one kid has fever, the other has to go to ballet, there is no food in the house, the newspaper is unread on the doorstep, the milk is sour for coffee, and the baby is crying in the crib.
Fifteen years later, the house is quiet, the remaining child is asleep and only needs two rides and an unspecified amount of money for your contribution to her life this weekend. There is no food in the house, but no one eats at home anyway. The laundry is still waiting for you (who uses all these towels with just the three of you??) No one will be home for dinner and you have the whole weekend stretched in front of you. . . and nothing to do.
You can shop; go to the city; have brunch; visit a museum; get a manny/peddy; sleep; golf; paint; journal; play your station on the car radio; dance around naked; watch black and white movies, but something nags at you and you feel incomplete and unfinished....
Maybe you should call the kids. Think they're up yet? One's left for work and its too early for the others......I'll just text them...no, he never answered....if one can come home, I'll make a roast....no,no, midterms, of course, Daddy just wanted to watch the Memphis game with you....drop the taxes in the mail....you didn't declare any withholding....why New Zealand ....we'll put some money in your account....your new job is where...how old is she... He won't take you back....you have so much to offer anyone....you want to go back to school.....live in the city....get a a new car...how long have you had that cough....I'll get you a referral...take you shopping...get you a haircut....deposit money....take you to lunch....be with you, enjoy you, eat a meal with you, talk to your friends, discuss the books you're reading, give you love advice, finance your spring breaks, cook alongside you, pack your lunch at least every morning, watch you grow up and away and into an adult with a lot of common sense and too big a heart.
But then you'll just leave again....maybe next time for good.
Maybe we'll get a new dog, a puppy, yes, that's it, a puppy......because you bought me a puppy when we got serious with each other and she was our first baby and now all these babies are gone just far enough away and the one that's here won't let me smell her head anymore without saying I'm gross and one is at school and onto another life and the other is probably a few months from flying away for good and we're so ready for another sweet-smelling little baby head to feed and clothe and take on walks.....grandchildren! there isn't a one that is even financially independent, they are SO not ready for grandchildren....
But we are.