Our New Pets
March 7, 2008
I know my mother couldn't wait for me to get that "pee" title off my blog, so here I am trying to give you a quick post.
When not mopping up dog....urine....., this week we were:
- writing, writing, and rewriting the next essay for Cloth, Paper, Scissors (thought I just whipped those out, did you?)
- painting and repainting the artwork (which is my favorite I ever did if I do say so myself)
- trying to find the time to leave work for a half hour to mail the artwork (much emergencies, both legal and personnel-wise)
- listening to my office mates find new and colorful swear words (in diverse languages!) to say as we continue to work in our temporary quarters and use airport cards instead of LAN lines and get kicked off regularly and find that we can go to the bathroom and down to the lobby for coffee and come back and be still waiting for a document to open.
- falling asleep 5 minutes before the finale for Project Runway and then reading about it in The Post - that sucked.
- not being online because our Netgear router died after no more than a year, so I can only post this if the weak signal from my neighbor's internet keeps up.
- providing The Teen with cups of coffee and snacks to keep up her energy as she wrote The Dreaded Term Paper On Hitler. What feels better than the day you turn in a term paper that's been hanging over your head for a month? (She even dragged those Hitler books to California, and finally read about 2 pages of one on the last day in the rain in Malibu when we pathetically read in the car whilst parked in a park parking lot, waiting to go to the airport.)
- buying new coffee mugs at Starbucks that are bright blue and bright red and so retro...and yes, Mr. Pom we do have a plethora of coffee mugs. Just makes me smile to drink my tea out of a big blue cup lined with flowers.
- finding out that Fluffernutter is peeing everywhere because she most likely has diabetes and we will now be giving her insulin shots twice a day. But the anti-inflammatories for her arthritis are really helping and she's back to doing stairs. Go Fluff!
- Crazy that we have a whole weekend with nothing to do and no term papers or art deadlines! Woo-hoo!
I'll be back soon as I find a new router that is compatible with Mystery Man's Halo game. Or until I buy the first one I see at Best Buy because I'm never going to find the model he wants me to buy.