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Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day!  Doesn't this display remind you of a cake, a big, beautiful cake?  I love this store and take a lot of photos in there. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut and it's a few doors away from this place so I'll be sure to go in and see what little goodies they have for Mother's Day.

We went back and forth  many times about what to do for Mother's Day. We're not big on eating in restaurants on that day because it is Sheer. Hell. And we're I'm not big on inviting everyone to my house because How. Is. That. My. Day?  We wanted to round up all the sisters, granddaughters, and grandmothers and go to a tea room, but there were too many in-law issues and we decided to do it on a less crowded day.

So my daughters and I are going with my mother and sister #2 (oh, I haven't told her yet - hope she reads it here in case I forget) to The Metropolitan where we will saunter amidst the European paintings, sit in the Astor Court, have lunch at one of the cafes, and then have tea on the balcony.

I am looking forward to just wandering through the galleries, bringing my sketchbook and if it stops raining, sitting on the front steps and people watching. 

Mr. Pom came home from work for the first time in months without being in agonizing pain. I knew he was feeling better when he walked in and yelled, "Hola!" which is how you know his back doesn't hurt because when it does, he just walks in and throws down his briefcase, opens the freezer for his ice packs and groans his way upstairs.  Considering how much pain he was in yesterday and the groaning I heard as he left for work this morning,  it's pretty remarkable.

So we are just happy go-lucky this evening. I made a turkey meatloaf to which I mixed in chopped up artichokes and mushrooms and tabouli from last night.
It was....horrible. So we ate the smashed potatoes and the edamame salad and considered it a calorie saving.

So how many people think when I get my haircut tomorrow, I should go a little red? I'm considering it. My hairdresser will plotz. He hates everything but one length, classic, blunt cut, one-color hair.  Then again, it's time to get it straightened, so I definitely can't do any weird color or it'll turn green or something when I get it straightened in two weeks.  Keeping my hair straight and colored is a full time job that requires the precision and planning of NASA deciding when the shuttle should go up. It's my cross, I tell ya. But what's the alternative: gray frizz. Yuck.  These are the sacrifices I make for those who must look at me. Especially Mr. Pom who has never bugged me about anything to do with my appearance except that he hates gray hair. So what's a girl to do?
