The First of March

Love and Lovelies


I love these girls. And this girl, too.



They make these beauties. And so many more things that are luscious,  nubby, beaded, quilted, painted, printed, transferred, and spanking gorgeous.



 Even the tray of neeedlework supplies casually left on a bench left me drooling.




So much love that weekend. So much friendship, good food, gifties, talent, laughter, and surprise.




 The entire weekend I never saw Linda without a smile on her face, but you somehow I managed to take her picture without one.  Our class was held in Tracy's sunny yellow studio that was filled with colorful fabrics and yarns, huge working tables, lots of light, and artwork everywhere you looked.




Who wouldn't want to start their birthday weekend with homemade yogurt, fresh fruit, and warm muffins.




Who would ever want to go home?




And of course, all that fabric, all that yarn, the beads, the charms, the felted balls, and the friends! And when have I ever had a lunch like this on a Saturday afternoon??




Of course, there was that awkward initial period when we first got there and everyone was on company manners until we all got over our initial shyness and natural inclination to remain silent.


As if.





I would like to post pictures for you of every room in this amazing house and show you close ups of everything from the pillows on the sofa photographed above, the coffee table filled with "blocks" of art, the rainbow of colors that blended from room to room, and the assemblages and shadow boxes and collages and handmade dolls and felted pieces and quilted pieces and charms and works in progress and piles of books and magazines, but after all, it is their home, not a museum.





Instead, I'll show you the gelatin molds that we used for monoprinting.





As well as Kathy's adorable print of Dixie along with her adorable smile.




And Betti's darling birdie that she brought to show us dressed in her Valentine costume.

On top of all this whimsy, art, creativity, friendship, and food, there was  the beauty of women who had no responsibilities for three days other than choosing what color paint and which piece of fabric to sew where.




 Oh, and a birthday surprise!




But best of all, these wild and crazy girls.




And we haven't even gotten to the bees, the bunnies, and the chicks.  That will have to  wait until The Artgirlz: Summer Edition.  Thank you Tracy, Sue, and Linda for THE best art retreat I've ever been to!


