Look, don't roll your eyes. Yes, I've posted almost every day. Yes, I'm still home on leave. Yes, I'm actually getting bored and starting too many art projects and finishing ....none. But I'll try not to ramble.
I went out yesterday in the evening with my friends for the first time in two months. It was a last minute thing; I didn't have time to think of a million reasons why I couldn't go. I forgot when I said yes that I had become quite the homebody and early-to-bed woman.
It didn't help that it was 98 degrees.
I decided to take a nap before I dressed. I put on the AC and woke with a start an hour later. It was 5:10. Supposed to be at my girlfriend's to pick her up at 5:30. Forget showering. Hair would just be a mess anyway. Did I mention 98 degrees?
What to wear? What to wear! Wait, I forgot that I bought this dress from Boden.
Good grief, what the hell was I thinking of when I bought it in brown?? With my hair pulled back and the brown sack material, I look like I needed "Prisoner 453" on my chest.
Oh, right, try some make up and jewelry. Let me go into the bathroom for the magnifying mirror....ACK ACK - what are these hairy growths on the brows, the upper lip....my gawd....the chin!
Tweeze tweeze tweeze, snip snip snip. Put on eye makeup. Stupid brown, don't need brown eyes too but that's all I have...oh wait, here's some smoky blue....shades of Tammy Faye Baker, I've forgotten how to put on eye make up! Wipe it off start again. Go back in to put on some blush. Forget lipstick entirely.
Put on big teal and white summer bangles, check. 98 degrees. Take off bangles, check
Pretty orange peek toe flats made of grossgrain ribbons will perk this dreary outfit up. Or maybe not.
Yikes, look at the time! Jump in the mini, turn on the AC, put on the sunglasses. Gosh, I've forgotten what it's like to be a grown up out in the evening. This feels kind of good. I love driving the Mini on the parkway....why does it look so dark up ahead at 5:30 ....is that fog, humidity, or no, no, no - rain! Maybe it will pass us by the time we get there.
Pick up friend, head onto another windy twisty, tree-lined parkway. We both take off sunglasses at it is getting darker. Notice all cars coming in the other direction have on lights and appear to be ....leaf splattered? Uh Oh. Leaves waving, limbs twisting, trees bending...
And here's the rain. And thunder. Lightening bolts.
Hmm, is it my imagination or did I hear...
Lots and lots of hail banging on the Mini, on the hood of the Mini, on the SUNROOF of the Mini. Heh heh, sure hopes that little sunroof screen stays put if the sunroof cracks. Friend does not laugh.
Frantically searching for higher speed on windshield wipers. We are at highest speed. Remember that this is the parkway that floods. And we are in a Mini. Getting hailed on. Friend appears to be gripping cell phone in both hands. Notice I am gripping steering wheel and following lights of car in front.
Friend decides to call other friend. Can't hear her over the hail. Decide to take next exit where we know there is an underpass. Get off, discover underpass is flooding. Keep driving.Debate turning around but we are closer to the restaurant than home.
Other friend advises that rain is letting up.
Breathe collective sigh of relief. Park, get out of car and refuse to look for hail damage so as not to spoil supper. Pretty orange peek toed flats get soaked. No umbrella. Glad did not wash hair, blow dry, and flat iron. Temp is now 70 degrees. Freezing. Make a run for restaurant.
Margaritas all around. Except for those who have ha gastric bypass and can't drink and drive. Ever.
Eat too much salsa and chips. Split lobster tacos with one friend. Everyone gets to complain about their lives. Dates are punched into smart phones for weekend away in September. Congratulate ourselves on getting there tonight in one piece. Look at watch - wow, it's 8:25! I need to get home!
In the bed by 9:00 to watch TV.
See on the news that sold out Black Eyed Peas and Carol King concert in Central Park was cancelled. Yankee game start delayed to 10:40! Watch Housewives of New York.
Tell Mr. Pom that we'd better win MegaMillions cause I can't function as an adult anymore.
Mr. Pom waves stack of bills in my face.
Better practice putting on that eye makeup....