Life isn't all candy canes ova heah. There is other things like Mr. Pom's birthday TODAY and the concert we went to Monday night, and the fact that my house suddenly smells like Eau de Dog no matter what I do.
Also, the lovely navy and cream striped Anne Cramer long "Flynn" skirt?
No longer available.
Seems that there was a production quality issue, so they pulled all the navy and cream ones. However, they assure me that the new spring line will be out in plenty of time for the wedding and there will be other lovely long Flynns to choose from.
The company is very responsive to orders and emails, so don't hesitate to order from them. While you are at it, check out Anne Cramer's gorgeous home, an old Colonial (my favorite) filled with vintage furniture, stripes, silvered walls, crystal and china - and she has 3 boys!
I did order the short Flynn skirt in black wool and though it is darling on the hanger, it has way too much width in the material for me and adds about three sizes to my profile. So.....I will not be ordering the long Flynn for the wedding. I'm sure I'll find something wonderful nonetheless.
Despite the city trip on Saturday, I managed to finish cleaning out my studio. Look at the mess I started with:

I know it looks horrid, but this is what happens when you are pulling fabric and papers and juggling lots of projects. I thought I would love those tall chests from Ikea but although they are theoretically perfect for storage wtih their twelve drawers, they are so poorly constructed that they aren't fit for the purpose for which they are intended. The metal runners are held into the particle board sides of the drawers with short screws. These quickly pop out with repeated use of the drawers and before you can say, I hate Ikea, the runners have disengaged from the drawers and stick out just far enough to catch your clothes or poke a dog's eye out. Mr. Pom has promised to take out all the drawers and use longer screws, but even I don't have the heart to make him do so as he hated putting them together to begin with!

The room looks so organized and welcoming now. I was inspired by a photo in House Beautiful and created a large design board out of foam core. It does double duty as a shade on the window when I am in there at night since the house next to is quite close.

When Granny Pom passed away, she left a a secretary desk that we used to use but returned to her when we moved as we didn't have room for it. Despite the sentimental value, the maple piece was falling apart and Mr. Pom just wasn't interested in restoring it. Before he brought it down to the "recycling room " in the basement of the senior apartment building where she lived, I took out the "cubby insert" and now use it on my desk to hold little bits and bobs from the beach and to actually store some stationery. I sat down there today and wrote two sympathy cards. Amazing! I am a grown up with a desk (ok, it's really one of the old closet doors from The Princess's room, but it's nice and big and flat.)
The vase of dried lavender is from the garden; the little charm hanging from it says, "Leap" and was created by my sweet friend Nina Bagley. It is a daily reminder to me that we are never too old to take our creativity to the next level. The tole tray is one of 3 that I bought at an estate sale of an elderly neighbor, who had letters between Elvis and her husband, who was a businessman in Memphis. The Spode cup was a gift from Mr. P about 15 years ago.

I set up a drafting table to my left in front of another window. We picked the table up from the curb across the street about a year ago, but it was just a hold-all for what-do-I-do-with-this-stuff. I cleaned out the bookshelves, got all the cast offs onto the shelves and off the drafting table, and have it set up in front of the northern window for drawing.
Mystery Man has promised to make me a light box as a Christmas present, as I need one as I work on the illustrated journal. They are very expensive and I could kick myself for selling a large one I bought on ebay years ago. We were moving and I hadn't used it much, so it was just one more thing to get rid of.
Once I get the light box, I will be needing another table, and there's only one wall left. I'm on the look out for a long narrow wooden or enamel table top. I already have two sets of legs from Ikea.

The studio bookcase is a piece of a long wall system bought about 30 years at Workbench for Mr. Pom's bachelor pad. Think 80's and "unfinished pine" look. This the only piece of it I can find and it fits perfectly between closet and window. It holds mainly art, craft, journals, poetry, inspirational, and how-to books. (As opposed to the other 8 bookcases in the house.).
I am trying to figure out what to do with all the artwork that I created for Cloth, Paper, Scissors. Some of it is scattered around the house. Some I redid because I often hate a piece after it is done. But most is languishing in a portfolio, unframed and unseen.
Our little house has no more walls left to hang anything, so I'm thinking of making the staircase wall a revolving gallery where I can hang two pieces a season or something like that. Framing is incredibly expensive!
What's on my vision board at the moment?

There are some vintage flashcards that I play around with. My pen and ink sketch of my Dad in his twenties in his Army fatigues. My sample watercolor palette. Some cross stitching I did years ago and never had framed. My dad's father's pocket watch that doesn't work but reminds me to remember him. Next to the pocket watch is a cut out of my personal family icon, Aunt Frances, my spiritual mentor, creative muse, guardian angel, and my grandfather's sister. Never met her, but she has been speaking to me through her pictures for years. I need to get her off the board and back into my artwork. Above her is my grandmother's black velvet and jet bead evening bag. I've never used it but hope some day to be grown up enough to have occasion to do so!
I haven't had much time to be in the studio in the last few weeks. It is nice, though, to poke my head in and see it waiting for me, clutter free. I hope to get my Christmas cards from the printer quite soon and I plan on popping some Christmas music onto the Ipod, lighting some candles, and spending a lovely afternoon or evening addressing them to all of you.
Right now, I have to bring out Mr. Pom's birthday cake!